- H. Wang, D. X. Du, C. J. Sung, and C. K. Law, “Experiments and Numerical Simulations on Soot Formation in Counterflow Ethylene-Air Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 26, 2359-2368 (1996).
- C. J. Sung, B. Li, H. Wang, and C. K. Law, “Structure and Sooting Limits in Counterflow Methane/Air and Propane/Air Diffusion Flames from 1 to 5 Atmospheres,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 27, 1523-1529 (1998).
- T. Hirasawa,C. J. Sung, Z. Yang, A. Joshi, and H. Wang, “Effect of Ferrocene Addition on Sooting Limits in Laminar Premixed Ethylene/Oxygen/Argon Flames,” Combustion and Flame 139, 288-299 (2004).
- Ibarreta, C. J. Sung, T. Hirasawa, and H. Wang, “Burning Velocity Measurements of Microgravity Spherical Sooting Premixed Flames Using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” Combustion and Flame 140, 93-102 (2005).
- Ibarreta and C. J. Sung, “Flame Temperature and Location Measurements of Sooting Premixed Bunsen Flames by Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” Applied Optics 44 (17), 3565-3575 (2005).
- F. Ibarreta, C. J. Sung, and H. Wang, “Experimental Characterization of Premixed Spherical Ethylene/Air Flames under Sooting Conditions,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31, 1047-1054 (2007). ***Distinguished Paper Award***
- Singh, X. Hui, and C. J. Sung, “Soot Formation in Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames of Butane and Butanol Isomers,” Combustion and Flame 164, 167-182 (2016).
- Singh and C. J. Sung, “PAH Formation in Counterflow Non-Premixed Flames of Butane and Butanol Isomers,” Combustion and Flame 170, 91-110 (2016).
- Xue, X. Hui, P. Singh, and C. J. Sung, “Soot Formation in Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames of Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels,” Fuel 210, 343-351 (2017).
- Xue, P. Singh, and C. J. Sung, “Soot Formation in Counterflow Non-Premixed Ethylene Flames at Elevated Pressures,” Combustion and Flame 195, 253-266 (2018).
- Saggese, A. V. Singh, X. Xue, C. Chu, M. R. Kholghy, T. Zhang, J. Camacho, J. Giaccai, J. H. Miller, M. J. Thomson,C. J. Sung, and H. Wang, “The Distillation Curve and Sooting Propensity of a Typical Jet Fuel,” Fuel 235, 350-362 (2019).
- Xue, X. Hui, P. Vannorsdall, P. Singh, and C. J. Sung, “The Blending Effect on the Sooting Characteristics of Alternative/Conventional Jet Fuel Blends in Non-Premixed Flames,” Fuel 237, 648-657 (2019).