F. Ibarreta and C. J. Sung, “Flame Temperature and Location Measurements of Sooting Premixed Bunsen Flames by Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” Applied Optics 44 (17), 3565-3575 (2005).
F. Ibarreta, C. J. Sung, T. Hirasawa, and H. Wang, “Burning Velocity Measurements of Microgravity Spherical Sooting Premixed Flames Using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” Combustion and Flame 140, 93-102 (2005).
F. Ibarreta, C. J. Sung, and H. Wang, “Experimental Characterization of Premixed Spherical Ethylene/Air Flames under Sooting Conditions,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31, 1047-1054 (2007). ***Distinguished Paper Award***