MCH Experimental Data
NOTE: This dataset has to be interpreted in conjunction with the article below:
G. Mittal and C. J. Sung, “Autoignition of Methylcyclohexane at Elevated Pressures,” Combustion and Flame 156 (9), 1852-1855 (2009). DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2009.05.009
Ignition Delay Data
Experimental Pressure Traces
Heat Loss Parameters
Input conditions and Case numbers file
Input Conditions and Case numbers file
Heat loss parameters for all cases
- Use the following program as the driver program for SENKIN: driver.f
- Specify initial pressure (P0), temperature (T0), composition in the SENKIN input file with VTIM keyword for calculations.
- Run the program
Note: Heat loss parameters are in the form of a polynomial. At long time after compression the polynomial may blow up to erroneous values. SENKIN calculations should be performed to a reasonable time which is sufficient for ignition to occur