Authors: Y. Huang, C. J. Sung, and J. A. Eng
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The laminarflamespeeds of neat primaryreferencefuels (PRFs), n-heptane and iso-octane, PRF blends, reformergas, and reformergas/iso-octane/air mixtures are measured over a range of equivalence ratios at atmospheric pressure, using counterflow configuration and digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). PRF blends with various octane numbers are studied. The synthetic reformergasmixture employed herein has a composition that would be produced from the partial oxidation of rich iso-octane/air mixture into CO and H2, namely, 28% H2, 25% CO, and 47% N2. Computationally, the experimentally determined laminarflamespeeds are simulated using the detailed kinetic models available in the literature. Both experimental and computational results demonstrate that the flamespeeds of hydrocarbon/air mixtures increase with addition of a small amount of reformergas, and the flamespeeds of reformergas/air mixtures are dramatically reduced with addition of a small amount of hydrocarbon fuel. Furthermore, the number density effect of seeding particles on flamespeed measurement is assessed, and the experimental uncertainties associated with the present DPIV setup as well as the linear extrapolation method employed herein are discussed.
Citation: Y. Huang, C. J. Sung, and J. A. Eng, “Laminar Flame Speeds of Primary Reference Fuels and Reformer Gas Mixtures,” Combustion and Flame 139, 239-251 (2004).