- G. Mittal and C. J. Sung, “Autoignition of Toluene and Benzene at Elevated Pressures in a Rapid Compression Machine,” Combustion and Flame 150, 355-368 (2007).
- K. Kumar and C. J. Sung, “An Experimental Study of the Autoignition Characteristics of Conventional Jet Fuel/Oxidizer Mixtures: Jet-A and JP-8,” Combustion and Flame 157 (4), 676-685 (2010).
- K. Kumar and C. J. Sung, “A Comparative Experimental Study of the Autoignition Characteristics of Alternative and Conventional Jet Fuel/Oxidizer Mixtures,” Fuel 89 (10), 2853-2863 (2010).
- K. Kumar, C. J. Sung, and X. Hui, “Laminar Flame Speeds and Extinction Limits of Conventional and Alternative Jet Fuels,” Fuel 90 (3), 1004-1011 (2011).
- S. Dooley, S. H. Won, M. Chaos, J. Heyne, Y. Ju, F. L. Dryer, K. Kumar, C. J. Sung, H. Wang, M. A. Oehlschlaeger, R. J. Santoro, and T. A. Litzinger, “A Jet Fuel Surrogate Formulated By Real Fuel Properties,” Combustion and Flame 157 (12), 2333-2339 (2010).
- S. Dooley, S. H. Won, J. Heyne, T. Farouk, F. L. Dryer, Y. Ju, K. Kumar, X. Hui, C. J. Sung, H. Wang, M. A. Oehlschlaeger, R. J. Santoro, T. A. Litzinger, V. Iyer, T. Malewicki, and K. Brezinsky, “The Experimental Evaluation of a Methodology to Surrogate Fuel Formulation for the Emulation of Gas Phase Combustion Kinetic Phenomena by a Theory of Real Fuel Oxidation,” Combustion and Flame 159 (4), 1444-1466 (2012).
- X. Hui, K. Kumar, C. J. Sung, T. Edwards, and D. Gardner, “Experimental Studies on the Combustion Characteristics of Alternative Jet Fuels,” Fuel, in press.
- K. Kumar and C. J. Sung, “Laminar Flame Speeds and Extinction Limits of Preheated n-Decane/O2/N2 and n-Dodecane/O2/N2 Mixtures,” Combustion and Flame 151, 209-224 (2007).
- K. Kumar, G. Mittal, and C. J. Sung, “Autoignition of n-Decane under Elevated Pressure and Low-to-Intermediate Temperature Conditions,” Combustion and Flame 156, 1278-1288 (2009).
- G. Mittal and C. J. Sung, “Autoignition of Methylcyclohexane at Elevated Pressures,” Combustion and Flame 156 (9), 1852-1855 (2009).
- K. Kumar and C. J. Sung, “Flame Propagation and Extinction Characteristics of Neat Surrogate Fuel Components,” Energy and Fuels 24 (7), 3840-3849 (2010).
- X. Hui, A. K. Das, K. Kumar, C. J. Sung, S. Dooley, and F. L. Dryer, “Laminar Flame Speeds and Extinction Stretch Rates of Selected Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” Fuel, in press.
- G. Mittal and C. J. Sung, “Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition of Binary Fuel Blends,” Combustion and Flame 155, 431-439 (2008).